Wedding Party Dance

The Wedding Party Dance can be an enjoyable and memorable moment for you and your guests and there are many different approaches you can take with this dance to make it fit your situation and your preferences.

The traditional presentation of the Wedding Party Dance occurs after the Father-Daughter and Mother-Son Dances. It involves the Bride and Groom along with the Groomsmen paired off with the Bridesmaids. Depending on your situation, the parents of the Bride and Groom can be invited to join in this dance.

A fun twist to the traditional song is to have couples switch partners every 30 seconds of the song, while returning to your original dance partner at the final moments of the song. Just make sure to tell the photographer you plan to do this since he/she might want to take a initial set of photos before the switching begins.


One alternative to the Wedding Party Dance is to have each person in the Wedding Party including the Bride and Groom (but not including the parents) pair off with their significant other or someone special for this dance. One creative suggestion is for the Bride to dance with the Groom’s Father and the Groom to dance with the Bride’s Mother.

A second alternative is called a “Snow Ball Dance” where the Wedding Party and Bride and Groom are invited to the dance floor but instead of pairing off, they’re asked to pick a guest to dance with for the Wedding Party Dance. This can be done as a surprise to the Wedding Party to create a fun impromptu moment for your Wedding Party and guests.

A third alternative would be to invite all of the married couples to join the Bride and Groom on the dance floor. This dance is quite special and can really pack a dance floor! It also serves as a great ice breaker for your guests to begin the dancing.

If you have any Wedding Party Dance suggestions you would like to share, please send your idea to

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